Family Resources
Our Family Handbook
Manual Familiar de Sherwood
Nuestro manual familiar ofrece informacion para nuestras familias referente a nuestra poliza, procedimiento, y la cultura de la escuela.
Parent Volunteer Information
Parent involvement is vital for the success of Sherwood Montessori and we are committed to being a school in which collaboration and high family involvement is optimized to provide students with the best possible school experience. In addition to providing volunteer opportunities that enrich our program, parent participation makes a powerful statement to the children that school is important and education is valued by the family.
Not every family has unlimited resources of time or skills to offer, but there are things that any and all of us can do.
The Sherwood Montessori Parent Organization or "SMPO" provides parents with an avenue to effective participation in the school's operations. All parents at Sherwood are de facto members of the SMPO. Active membership is encouraged and achieved by attending regularly scheduled SMPO meetings or through regular volunteerism. At meetings, parents can learn more about how to optimize their skills as a volunteer.
Each family is encouraged to perform a minimum of 50 hours of involvement for the school each academic year. Part of these hours may be filled by attending school performances, attending Back to School Night and Parent Education Night, and participating in school functions. For families that are unable to extend themselves beyond attendance at these types of events, other arrangements can be made for parents to support the school in ways that fit busy schedules.
At the beginning of the school year, parents will be asked to fill out a "Parent Involvement Questionnaire" to help identify areas of interest and expertise that may benefit the school. The Sherwood Montessori Parent Organization (SMPO) will help connect parents with volunteer opportunities and track volunteering hours.
Disclosure of Student Records
The California Department of Education ("CDE") has requested that local educational agencies throughout the State post the following link to CDE's website to provide parents notice of the disclosure of student records pursuant to a Court Order issued in a lawsuit filed by the Morgan Hill Concerned Parents Association and the Concerned Parent Association against the CDE. (Case No. 2:11-cv-3471-KJM-AC). The CDE website provides a Notice for your review and an Objection Form should you wish to object to the disclosure of your child's personally identifiable information. If you have any questions please visit CDE's website at or contact CDE at (916) 319-0800.
Pertussis Vaccination Information
All students in California grades 7th-12th will need the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine by the first day of school.
pertussis letter
Short Term Independent Study
Although our first choice is always to have our students attend school on days we are in session, it may become unavoidable for a family to have their child miss school. If this is the case, the next best arrangement is to plan an Independent Study which involves the student's teacher creating a work plan that can be done while the student is out. The Director will review the circumstances and see if it is possible (the law is stringent on these matters and it is not always allowable). Please give at least two weeks' notice as teachers need time to create a quality work plan.
independent study contract